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Ionic Foot Detox

The Ionic foot detox is an enjoyable way to rid your body of the toxins that cause health concerns. By using negative ions to reset your body into an alkaline environment you will notice overall health improvement. The ions move up and through your circulatory and lymphatic system realigning your body’s energy field while improving oxygen levels.

While you are enjoying a foot detox your body is ridding itself of chemicals, pollution, radiation, synthetic toxins, and foreign substances. The cleanse attains the correct frequency required to restore cells to a healthy state while releasing years of bonded waste

  • Ionic Foot Detox 45min -- $52

    Remove toxins in a relaxing foot bath. Watch as the colour of the water changes, indicating where toxins are being removed. The following 24-48 hrs after an ionic foot bath your body will be working to detox our internal organs. Helpful for weight loss, arthritis, skin issues, boosting metabolism, energy, sleep issues, constipation, wrinkles. The treatment itself is 30 minutes with extra time given for set up and to discuss your action plan going forward.

  • DUAL Ionic Foot Detox 45min -- $95

    Enjoy your ionic foot detox with a friend. The machine at Becky D’s is a dual machine making it possible to enjoy with two people at the same time. Price for 2 people together is $84 Actual treatment time is 30 minutes.

  • Combination Ionic Foot Detox & 30min Reflexology 1hr 15min --$86

    Enhance the detox process and relaxation with an Ionic Foot Detox followed with a 30 min reflexology session.

  • Combination Ionic Foot Detox & 1 hr Reflexology 1hr 45min --$115

    Enhance the detox process and relaxation with an Ionic Foot Detox followed with a 1 hr reflexology session.


    A fun and unique way to spend time with friends, why not book a holistic party. Can include: Ionic foot detox, tarot card readings, Reiki and reflexology.

Ionic Foot Detox Results

To give you an idea of how the water may change in your Foot Detox session, the pictures above show the waste removed after 3 minutes and at 25 minutes

Contact Us Today

If you have any questions or having issues booking online feel to contact us below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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