Holistic Nutrition

Holistic Nutrition Service

Nutrition Counseling 2.5hr -- $226
Includes: 1 hr initial consultation & 2- 40 min follow-up visits This package is beneficial for those who may benefit from regular visits to get set-up on the path to health. You will be able to make more educated food choices and will be armed with the knowledge of how nutrients will serve your health. This package is the most requested and would suit the person with weight loss goals, chronic disease, stress/adrenal fatigue, sleep issues...
Nutrition Package #1 $169
Includes an initial Nutrition consultation and one follow up visit.
Nutritional Counselling 1/2hr Meeting 30 min -- $52
½ hour meeting is great for a follow up to the initial consult or to add to an ionic foot detox.
Nutritional Counselling 1 hr Meeting 1 hr -- $112
We take a look at diet intake and lifestyle to find clues on how best to move forward on your health journey.
Menu Planning 30 min -- $112
A customized one week meal plan. Meal plans are helpful when making diet changes due to food allergies, disease or weight management.

If you have any questions or having issues booking online feel to contact us below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.