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Healthy Start 2023

Health Tips For 2023

by Holistic Nutritionist Becky Dixon

A new year and all the hope for a fresh start to make this year full of healthy living to feel great!

 I am here to help you along your health journey and guide you to achieve whatever health goals you have.

These are some tips to kick start the new year into being the best version of you

Your Body is built with natural detoxifiers.  The liver is made to filter all pollutants, sugars, alcohol, drugs, and fats.  By keeping your liver healthy you are letting it do the work for you.  Signs your liver is overburdened is yellowing of the skin and eyes.  A protruding belly is another sign that bile that should be flowing through the liver and flushing out the toxins is not moving well is a belly (a beer belly as they say) this can be a sign over toxic overload and can have negative effects of mood, energy, hair loss, and hormone irregularities.

Another main detox organ is the Kidneys.  You have two kidneys that regulate fluids of the body.  When you eat a salty diet, you may notice you retain fluid.  A high intake of calcium can cause kidney stones and blocks the flow of fluid.  Keeping an optimal balance of minerals and salts will also help keep painful kidney stones away.

Your skin is another detox organ.  You can detox through the skin by sweating, and dry brushing.  It is a lesser obvious way that we absorb pollutants and chemicals, but the skin is very permeable and everything you expose your skin to is absorb in the body so considering what creams, deodorants, and water you put on your skin is important while detoxing and keeping your body flowing optimally.

What can we do to improve our detox organs to work for us naturally?

Start by drinking good drinking water 8-10 cups a day is a general rule.

Consider Intermittent fasting.  By giving your body a break from digesting food for a period of 12hours it has a chance to break down and clear debris.

Consider dry brushing to encourage lymphatic and circulation flow.

 Detoxifying teas like dandelion root, licorice, burdock, ginger, and nettle are great to encourage bile flow and flushes

Add more fibre to your diet.  Most of us do not get enough fibre.  It is important to get enough to keep the waste moving.  Add more leafy greens to your daily diet, beans and lentils are excellent sources and apples with the skin on is another great source.

Balance your blood sugar.  Eliminate simple sugars!  Simple sugars spike your insulin and burden the liver.  Healthier alternatives are maple syrup and natural honey.  Dates are another sweet alternative to sugar.

Healthy fats.  Essential fatty acids are important to weight loss, brain function, heart health, joint pain, and overall health.  Include eating fish twice a week.  Ground flaxseed, nuts and seeds are also great sources and help slow down sugar absorption.

Exercise!  It’s important to keep our heart up to keep waste moving and increase the resting heart rate.  Add 20-30 moderate to intense exercise twice a week and weight resistant exercise another 2-3 times per week. Sweating is a natural way to detox through the skin.  Enjoying a relaxing sauna is also beneficial.

What are your health goals this year?  By peeling back, the layers and getting to the root of what is blocking you from being there we can make goals to reach and achieve your desired outcome.

For more information or to start working together please visit my website, email : [email protected], insta : @beckydholistics


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