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Food Nourishing the Chakras

When we look at healing holistically, we look at the whole person, the mind, body and spirit.  It comes as second nature to look at food for healing the body, building muscle and for mental stamina.

Using foods to heal and balance the spirit body can be somewhat of a new concept.  Eating high vibrational foods such as foods grown in mineral rich soils, organic or made with healing intentions feeds our body affects our soul/spirt body in positive ways.

We are going to look deeper into how foods affect the chakras.  There are 114 known chakras, but we will keep to the 7 main ones today.

Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

🔴- The Root Chakra (Muladhara) “I am” is the 1st chakra and located at the base of your perinium, it is represented by the color red.  It provides the foundation on which to build a life and represents safety, stability, comfort, and security.

Foods that best heal and nourish this chakra are ones that are grounding and protective.

Red Color Foods like strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, red peppers, pomegranate, watermelon.  Root Vegetables such as beets, carrots, celery, ginger, garlic, potatoes, yams- think hearty soups and stews.  Meats for Protein and iron to build healthy blood cells.  Nuts, seeds, chickpeas, and eggs are great vegetarian protein options.

🟠– The Sacral chakra (svadhisthana) “I feel” is the 2nd chakra and is located just below the belly button and resonates with the color orange.  This is your creative center; it deals with feeling and your emotions towards food.

Eating foods that are orange in color are thought to help restore balance in the sacral chakra.  Oranges, carrots, mangoes, sweet potato, cantaloupe, and salmon.  Food with Higher Water content can also help clear a blocked sacral chakra.

🟡- Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) “I Do” is the 3rd chakra it is located in the stomach area and resonates with the color yellow, like a glowing sun.  It rules your personal power.  It is the center of food digestion, absorption, and transportation.  It is important for the Solar Plexus health to not overload it and to eat to about 80% full.  This way you maintain your energy and personal power.

Foods yellow in color such as bananas, pineapples, pears, mangoes, ginger, squash, yellow beans, lentils, quinoa, brown rice will help balance the third chakra.

🟢- The Heart Chakra (Anahata) “I Love” is the 4th Chakra.  It is in the chest area and resonates with the color green.  It represents love, acceptance, and compassion.  The Heart Chakra acts as a bridge between the upper and lower body.

When it comes to food and feeding the heart chakra, Infuse love into your meals, express gratitude, share meals with others, and eat ethically sourced and grown foods.

Some green foods that resonate with the heart chakra are, avocados, green gapes, kiwi, green apples, leafy greens, celery, brussel sprouts, green peas, edamame, green beans.

🔵- The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) “I Talk” is the 5th Chakra.  It is located at the center of the neck and represents your ability to speak clearly and communicate effectively.

The throat chakra is vital to your connection to food through smell and taste.

Some important ways to feed the throat chakra is to exchange communication with others during meals.  Aim to eat slower and chew your food.  Pay attention to your senses during a meal.  Express your gratitude for the meal.  Chose the highest quality ingredients for meals.

The throats main element is ether, so the best foods to consume are the ones, which bridge the gap between different elements, such as sea plants (water-earth), soups (Earth-water), cold pressed juices (water-earth) and a variety of ethnic foods.

🟣- The Third Eye (Anja) “I see” is the 6th chakra.  It is located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows and resonates with the color purple or violet hues.

When it comes to food and the third eye chakra it is important to follow your intuition, look deeper as to why you may be craving something.  Don’t overthink your food choices.  Recognize your food addictions and the connection to your subconscious mind.  Drink great quality water, Avoid excessive caffeine, alcohol, and drug consumption.  Eat brain boosting foods such as, walnuts, brazil nuts, spices, blueberries, avocados, broccoli, leafy greens, cold water fish, and dark chocolate.

Other foods to consider are, elderberries, blackberries, purple grapes, figs, plums, purple cabbage, eggplant.

⚪- The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) “I understand” is the 7th chakra.  It is located at the top of the head and resonates with white and violet hues.

There are no foods associated with the crown chakra but what feeds it are, sunlight, clean water and fresh air (time in nature)

Recognizing food as a gift, including a prayer before meals.  Releasing your attachment to food through fasting.  Understand that quality is more important the quantity.


 *Food for thought

Look at your own food aversions, sensitivities or allergies and what could that be affecting or trying to tell you about your energetic body?

Colors can hold certain emotions due to past influences, experiences, or conditioning.  How do the colors of the chakra system feel to you?

Does that influence your food choices?

Are there food items you didn’t see represented in a Chakra?

*This article was based on a Health Talk I held in May 2023.  We had a fun discussion about how food effect the chakras.

–Becky Dixon

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